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Become a customer – guide for EU and EEA citizens

Are you a citizen within the EU & EEA? Here is a guide on how to become a customer at SEB and which documents you need.

Required documents

  • Passport

Guide: How to become a customer at SEB

  1. Read this checklist thoroughly.
    Checklist (pdf)
  2. Fill in the customer information form and follow the instructions carefully. 
    Customer Information Form
  3. Print out the customer information form and sign it.
  4. Take copies of the required documents that are mentioned in the checklist.
  5. Send the printed out and signed Customer Information Form and copies of required documents in an envelope to the address stated in the checklist (no stamp needed).

Additional information from the Swedish Bankers' Association on how to become a customer of a Swedish bank

Becoming a bank customer (Finance Sweden)


Genom utbildningsinitiativet Betalningshjälpen kan du på ett enkelt sätt få bättre koll på den digitala vardagsekonomin i Sverige. I utbildningen får du bland annat lära dig hur du skaffar bankkort, e-legitimation och digital brevlåda. Besök deras webbplats via länken för att läsa mer.

Till Betalningshjälpen 

Through the educational initiative Betalningshjälpen, you can gain a better understanding of digital everyday finances in Sweden. The training covers topics such as how to get a bank card, e-identification, and a digital mailbox. Visit their website via the link to learn more.

To Betalningshjälpen (English)

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